Lottie for Uno


This article covers Uno-specific information for Lottie. For a full description of the feature and instructions on using it, see Lottie.

  • The CommunityToolkit.WinUI.Lottie (for WinUI) and Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Lottie (for UWP) namespaces provide classes for rendering Lottie animations in a Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls.AnimatedVisualPlayer.

Using the LottieVisualSource

Add the following namespaces:


        UriSource="ms-appx:///Lottie/4930-checkbox-animation.json" />

References in a Single Project

In Uno Platform Single Project, you'll need to add the Lottie Uno Feature as follows:


References in a Legacy Project

On all Uno Platform targets, you'll need the following packages:

  • Uno.WinUI.Lottie (for the LottieVisualSource)

Additionally, on Skia Desktop targets, you'll need the following packages:

  • SkiaSharp.Views.Uno.WinUI version 2.88.7 or later
  • SkiaSharp.Skottie version 2.88.7 or later

On Windows/WinAppSDK, use the CommunityToolkit.WinUI.Lottie NuGet package.

For more information, see AnimatedVisualPlayer Class.

Lottie JSON file location

On WASM, iOS, and macOS, you can put the Lottie .json files directly in a folder of your app's head project (for example "Lottie/myanimation.json") and set their Build action as Content.

On Android, Lottie .json files need to be added to the Assets folder. To match the same path as for the other platforms, the file could be stored at Assets/Lottie/myanimation.json. Set its Build action to AndroidAsset.

To reference the animations in XAML, use the ms-appx: URI, in this case ms-appx:///Lottie/myanimation.json.

Using embedded:// scheme


This feature is only available on Uno Platform targets. WinUI and UWP on Windows is not supported.

You can put the file as <EmbeddedResource> in your assembly and retrieve it using the following url format as UriSource:

embedded://<assemblyname>/<resource name>
  • You can specify . in assembly name to use the Application's assembly.
  • You can specify (assembly) in path: will be replaced by assembly name.
  • AssemblyName is case insensitive, but the resource name is.

Theme Properties

As Microsoft documented in the release notes for Lottie-Windows v6.1.0, there is a new feature called Theme property binding. This allows to dynamically change a value (usually a color) at runtime.

To use this feature on Windows, you need to generate code with the LottieGen tool. On Uno supported platforms, it's available at runtime using the ThemableLottieVisualSource instead of the original LottieAnimatedVisualSource.

Here's how to use this feature:

  1. Add a css-like declaration to your Lottie shape like this then put this in the name of the shape. That means the nm property in the json-generated file.

    { Color: var(MyColor); }

    In that case, it will create a property (variable) named MyColor. It is possible to reuse the same property name on many layers in the same lottie file.

  2. Use it that way:

            UriSource="ms-appx:///Assets/Lottie/CheckBoxAnimation.json" />
  3. Change the property in your code:

    animation.SetColorThemeProperty("MyColor", Color.FromArgb(1, 255, 0, 0));


  • Changing a property will force the player to reload its animation. Not only the animation will be restarted, but it can also be heavy on the CPU. Animating these properties should be avoided.

  • To reach compatibility with code generated by LottieGen on Windows, it is possible to derive from ThemableLottieVisualSource and create required properties like this:

    public sealed class CheckBoxAnimation : ThemableLottieVisualSource
      public Color MyColor
        get => GetColorThemeProperty(nameof(MyColor));
        set => SetColorThemeProperty(nameof(MyColor), value);


On Android, the Stretch mode of Fill is not currently supported.