
Represents a control, derived from LoadingView that displays a view that replicates the appearance and behavior of the target platform's native application loading screen.

Refer to LoadingView for a list of inherited members.


The term splash screen commonly refers to a view that is displayed when the user launches the application. Note that only a subset of the supported targets defines a native splash screen construct that is displayed by the platform.

A common use case for this control is to display an application loading element for extended durations after transitioning from the native splash screen. This is useful for scenarios where the application is performing a longer-running operation, such as loading data or performing a network request upon startup.

ExtendedSplashScreen is a custom implementation, and does not require the presence of a native splash screen. As such, it can serve as an application's standalone loading screen, regardless of whether the platform provides a native equivalent.


Users expect applications to load quickly after they launch them, so it is important to minimize the duration that a splash screen is displayed. ExtendedSplashScreen is intended to support a consistent user experience across platforms where scenarios necessitate a longer startup process.


Property Type Description Value
Platforms SplashScreenPlatform Gets or sets the platform(s) where extended splash screen should be used. This is a flag enumeration, which allows for combining multiple values eg: "Android,iOS" Default value is All. Other possible values include Android, iOS, Windows, WebAssembly, Skia, and None.
SplashIsEnabled bool Gets a value representing whether the current environment is to display this splash screen. True if the current platform is included in the Platforms property, otherwise false.


Method Return Type Description
Init void Initializes the splash screen for the provided Activity instance. This static method should be invoked from the OnCreate override in MainActivity.
Note: This method only needs to be called on Android


Specify platforms to display splash screen

The following code snippet will only display the splash screen on Android and iOS by specifying a SplashScreenPlatform value for the Platforms property.

<utu:ExtendedSplashScreen x:Name="Splash"
                          Platforms="Android,iOS" />

Setup the splash screen

The following code snippet demonstrates a suggested pattern for using the ExtendedSplashScreen. The first step is to define a custom UserControl that will be used as the main shell for the application content. This control will be used to host the ExtendedSplashScreen and the main application content.


<UserControl x:Class="SplashScreenApp.Shell"

    <utu:ExtendedSplashScreen x:Name="Splash"
                    <RowDefinition Height="2*" />
                    <RowDefinition />

                <ProgressRing IsActive="True"
                              Width="100" />
            <Frame x:Name="ShellFrame" />

The ExtendedSplashScreen control's LoadingContent is used to display the splash screen and any custom content while the application is loading. The Content property is used to define the main application content that will be displayed after the loading state.

Next, the Shell control should be used as the root visual for the Window in the App.cs.


protected override async void OnLaunched(LaunchActivatedEventArgs args)
    // Code ommited for brevity

    if (MainWindow.Content is not Shell shell)
        shell = new Shell();

        MainWindow.Content = shell;

        shell.RootFrame.NavigationFailed += OnNavigationFailed;

    if (shell.RootFrame.Content == null)
        shell.RootFrame.Navigate(typeof(MainPage), args.Arguments);


With these changes, the splash screen will be displayed when the application first launches and the main application content will be displayed once the loading state is complete.

In order to prolong the splash screen display, you can set the Source property of the ExtendedSplashScreen control to any custom implementation of the ILoadable interface. More information on how to use the ILoadable interface can be found in the LoadingView documentation.

Setup on Android

To use the ExtendedSplashScreen on Android, you need to add the following to your MainActivity:

 protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
    // Handle the splash screen transition.
