

This guide covers details for the AutoLayout control. If you are just getting started with the Uno Toolkit UI Library, please see our general getting started page to make sure you have the correct setup in place.


AutoLayout arranges child elements into a single row or column, depending on the Orientation property. The control is intended to reflect the same behaviors as the AutoLayout Frame component in Figma.


public partial class AutoLayout : Control







Constructor Description
AutoLayout() Initializes a new instance of the AutoLayout class.


Property Type Description
Orientation Orientation Gets or sets the dimension by which the items are stacked.
Spacing double Gets or sets a uniform distance (in pixels) between stacked items. It is applied in the direction of the AutoLayout's Orientation.
Justify AutoLayoutJustify Gets or sets the value to determine how items are justified within the container. Options are Stack or SpaceBetween. Note: If a child has its PrimaryAlignment set to Stretch, it will default to Stack.
PrimaryAxisAlignment AutoLayoutAlignment Gets or sets the alignment characteristics that are applied to the content, based on the value of the Orientation property. Options are Start, Center, and End. The default is Start.
CounterAxisAlignment AutoLayoutAlignment Gets or sets the alignment characteristics that are applied to the content, based on the inverse value of the Orientation property. Options are Start, Center, End, and Stretch. The default is Stretch. If already set in CounterAlignment, CounterAlignment will have priority.
IsReverseZIndex bool Gets or sets whether or not the ZIndex of the children should be reversed. The default is false.
Padding Thickness WARNING: Padding for AutoLayout behaves the same as it does within the Figma Plugin: The anchor points determine which sides of the Padding will be taken into consideration. For example, items that are aligned to the Right and Top positions will only take the Tickness.Right and Thickness.Top values of Padding into consideration.

Attached Properties

Property Type Description
PrimaryAlignment AutoLayoutPrimaryAlignment Gets or sets the alignment characteristics that are applied to this element when it is composed in an AutoLayout parent, based on the value of the Orientation property. Options are Auto and Stretch. The default is Auto.
CounterAlignment AutoLayoutAlignment Gets or sets the counter-alignment characteristics that are applied to this element when it is composed in an AutoLayout parent, based on the inverse value of the Orientation property. Options are Start, Center, End, and Stretch. The default is Start. If already set in CounterAxisAlignment, CounterAlignment will have priority.
PrimaryLength double Gets or sets the height or width of the child depending on the Orientation. If Height or Width are already set they will have priority.
CounterLength double Gets or sets the height or width of the child depending on the inverse of Orientation. If Height or Width are already set they will have priority.
IsIndependentLayout bool WARNING: Should not be used with other Attached Properties. Gets or sets whether the element is independent of the AutoLayout positioning. Reflects the Absolute Position option from Figma.