Uno Cupertino

Cupertino design system

Uno Cupertino is an add-on package that lets you apply Cupertino - Human Interface Guideline styling to your application with a few lines of code.

Getting Started


Make sure to setup your environment first by following our instructions.

Creating a new project with Uno Cupertino

  1. Install the dotnet new CLI templates with:

    dotnet new install Uno.Templates
  2. Create a new application with:

    dotnet new unoapp -o UnoCupertinoApp -theme cupertino

Installing Uno Cupertino in an existing project

Depending on the type of project template that the Uno Platform application was created with, follow the instructions below to install Uno Cupertino.

  1. Edit your project file (PROJECT_NAME.csproj) and add Cupertino to the list of UnoFeatures:

  2. Initialize the Cupertino resources in the App.xaml:

                <!-- Code ommitted of brevity -->
                <uc:CupertinoColors xmlns="using:Uno.Cupertino" />
                <uc:CupertinoFonts xmlns="using:Uno.Cupertino" />
                <uc:CupertinoResources xmlns="using:Uno.Cupertino" />


The following guides require the creation of new ResourceDictionary files in your application project. For more information on how to define styles and resources in a separate ResourceDictionary, refer to the resource management documentation.

Customize Color Palette

  1. Add a new Resource Dictionary named CupertinoColorsOverride.xaml to the application project, for example, under Styles/Application.

  2. Replace the content with:

    <ResourceDictionary xmlns=""
            <!-- Light Theme -->
            <ResourceDictionary x:Key="Light">
                <!-- Override CupertinoBlueBrush -->
                <Color x:Key="CupertinoBlueBrush">#6750A4</Color>
                <!-- Add more overrides here -->
                <!-- ... -->
            <!-- Dark Theme -->
            <ResourceDictionary x:Key="Dark">
                <!-- Override CupertinoBlueBrush -->
                <Color x:Key="CupertinoBlueBrush">#D0BCFF</Color>
                <!-- Add more overrides here -->
                <!-- ... -->
  3. In App.xaml, update <CupertinoColors /> with the override from the previous steps:

    <CupertinoColors xmlns="using:Uno.Cupertino"
                     OverrideSource="ms-appx:///Styles/Application/CupertinoColorsOverride.xaml" />

Change Default Font

By default, Uno Cupertino comes pre-packaged with the SF Pro FontFamily and automatically includes them in your application. Upon installation of the Uno Cupertino package, you will have a CupertinoFontFamily resource available.

If you would like Uno Cupertino to use a different font, you can override the default FontFamily by following these steps:

  1. Add the custom font following Custom Fonts documentation.

  2. Add a new Resource Dictionary named CupertinoFontsOverride.xaml to the application project, for example, under Styles/Application.

  3. Assuming the font file has been placed in a directory such as Assets/Fonts/MyCustomFont.ttf, your override file would look like the following:

    <ResourceDictionary xmlns=""
        <FontFamily x:Key="CupertinoFontFamily">ms-appx:///Assets/Fonts/MyCustomFont.ttf</FontFamily>
  4. In the App.xaml, update <CupertinoFonts /> with the override from the previous steps:

    <CupertinoFonts xmlns="using:Uno.Cupertino"
                    OverrideSource="ms-appx:///Styles/Application/CupertinoFontsOverride.xaml" />