Resizetizer Properties

Resizetizer has support for the following three items:

  • UnoIcon
  • UnoImage
  • UnoSplashScreen

Each of these items has properties that allow you to influence the behavior of the generated asset. On this page, you can find all available properties for each item and their meanings.

Global Properties

Properties that can be used across all items

Property Name Description
BaseSize Used to specify the size that will be used as a basement for the resize operations. e.g.: BaseSize="48,48"
Link Used to specify a custom path for your image, this path should be used inside your application when you want to reference the image
Resize Boolean value to say if the asset should be Resized or not. By default, just vector assets are resized by default
TintColor Color that will be used to tint the image during the resize phase. You can use a Hex value or a named value like Fuchsia
Color Color that will be used as a background color


Property Name Description
Include Used to insert the path of the Background image.
ForegroundFile Used to insert the path of the Foreground image
ForegroundScale Used to rescale the Foreground image, in order to fit on the app icon, it's a percentage value so 0.33 will be translated as 33%.
AndroidForegroundScale The same as ForegroundScale, but the value will be applied just for Android.
WasmForegroundScale The same as ForegroundScale, but the value will be applied just for Wasm
WindowsForegroundScale The same as ForegroundScale, but the value will be applied just for Windows
IOSForegroundScale The same as ForegroundScale, but the value will be applied just for iOS
SkiaForegroundScale The same as ForegroundScale, but the value will be applied just for Skia targets

The <PLATFORM>ForegroundScale (AndroidForegroundScale, WasmForegroundScale, etc) will override the global ForegroundScale value.


Property Name Description
Include Used to insert the path of the image asset, could be a png or svg.


Property Name Description
Include Used to insert the path of the image asset, could be a png or svg.
Scale Used to scale the image that will be used as SplashScreen. This property will be overridden by any platform-specific scale.
AndroidScale Used to scale the image that will be used as SplashScreen on Android platform.
IOSScale Used to scale the image that will be used as SplashScreen on iOS platform.
WindowsScale Used to scale the image that will be used as SplashScreen on Windows platform.
WasmScale Used to scale the image that will be used as SplashScreen on Wasm.
SkiaScale Used to scale the image that will be used as SplashScreen on Skia targets (GTK and WPF).