Popup : FrameworkElement

Implemented for: all platforms supported by Uno Platform

This document lists all properties, methods, and events of Popup that are currently implemented by the Uno Platform. See the WinUI documentation for detailed usage guidelines which all automatically apply to Uno Platform.

Implemented properties

Property Supported on
double VerticalOffset all platforms supported by Uno Platform
LightDismissOverlayMode LightDismissOverlayMode all platforms supported by Uno Platform
bool IsOpen all platforms supported by Uno Platform
bool IsLightDismissEnabled all platforms supported by Uno Platform
double HorizontalOffset all platforms supported by Uno Platform
UIElement Child all platforms supported by Uno Platform
FrameworkElement PlacementTarget all platforms supported by Uno Platform
PopupPlacementMode DesiredPlacement all platforms supported by Uno Platform
PopupPlacementMode ActualPlacement all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty ChildProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty HorizontalOffsetProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty IsLightDismissEnabledProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty IsOpenProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty LightDismissOverlayModeProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty VerticalOffsetProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty DesiredPlacementProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty PlacementTargetProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform

Implemented events

Event Supported on
EventHandler Closed all platforms supported by Uno Platform
EventHandler Opened all platforms supported by Uno Platform
EventHandler ActualPlacementChanged all platforms supported by Uno Platform

Below are all properties, methods, and events of Popup that are not currently implemented in Uno.

Not implemented properties

Property Not supported on
bool ShouldConstrainToRootBounds all platforms supported by Uno Platform
TransitionCollection ChildTransitions all platforms supported by Uno Platform
bool IsConstrainedToRootBounds all platforms supported by Uno Platform
SystemBackdrop SystemBackdrop all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty ChildTransitionsProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty ShouldConstrainToRootBoundsProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty SystemBackdropProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform

Last updated Wednesday, 15 May 2024 21:27.