PasswordBox : Control (UWP) TextBox (Android/iOS/WASM/MacOS)

Implemented for: all platforms supported by Uno Platform

This document lists all properties, methods, and events of PasswordBox that are currently implemented by the Uno Platform. See the WinUI documentation for detailed usage guidelines which all automatically apply to Uno Platform.

To better understand how PasswordBox works, you can use the Uno Gallery or run your own tests on the Uno Playground.

Implemented properties

Property Supported on
SolidColorBrush SelectionHighlightColor all platforms supported by Uno Platform
bool PreventKeyboardDisplayOnProgrammaticFocus Android
string PlaceholderText all platforms supported by Uno Platform
PasswordRevealMode PasswordRevealMode all platforms supported by Uno Platform
string Password all platforms supported by Uno Platform
int MaxLength all platforms supported by Uno Platform
bool IsPasswordRevealButtonEnabled all platforms supported by Uno Platform
InputScope InputScope all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DataTemplate HeaderTemplate all platforms supported by Uno Platform
object Header all platforms supported by Uno Platform
object Description all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty DescriptionProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty HeaderProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty HeaderTemplateProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty InputScopeProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty IsPasswordRevealButtonEnabledProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty MaxLengthProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty PasswordProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty PasswordRevealModeProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty PlaceholderTextProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty PreventKeyboardDisplayOnProgrammaticFocusProperty Android
DependencyProperty SelectionHighlightColorProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform

Implemented methods

Method Supported on
void SelectAll() all platforms supported by Uno Platform
void PasteFromClipboard() all platforms supported by Uno Platform

Implemented events

Event Supported on
RoutedEventHandler PasswordChanged all platforms supported by Uno Platform
TextControlPasteEventHandler Paste Mobile, WASM, Skia

Below are all properties, methods, and events of PasswordBox that are not currently implemented in Uno.

Not implemented properties

Property Not supported on
TextReadingOrder TextReadingOrder all platforms supported by Uno Platform
FlyoutBase SelectionFlyout all platforms supported by Uno Platform
bool PreventKeyboardDisplayOnProgrammaticFocus iOS, MacOS, WASM, Skia
string PasswordChar all platforms supported by Uno Platform
bool CanPasteClipboardContent all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty CanPasteClipboardContentProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty PasswordCharProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty PreventKeyboardDisplayOnProgrammaticFocusProperty iOS, MacOS, WASM, Skia
DependencyProperty SelectionFlyoutProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty TextReadingOrderProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform

Not implemented events

Event Not supported on
ContextMenuOpeningEventHandler ContextMenuOpening all platforms supported by Uno Platform
TypedEventHandler<PasswordBox, PasswordBoxPasswordChangingEventArgs> PasswordChanging all platforms supported by Uno Platform
TextControlPasteEventHandler Paste MacOS

Last updated Wednesday, 15 May 2024 21:27.