Chip & ChipGroup


This guide covers details for Chip and ChipGroup specifically. If you are just getting started with the Uno Material Toolkit Library, please see our general getting started page to make sure you have the correct setup in place.


Chip is a control that can be used for selection, filtering, or performing an action from a list. ChipGroup is a container that can house a collection of Chips.


Chip is derived from ToggleButton, a control that an user can select (check) or deselect (uncheck).


public partial class Chip : ToggleButton



<utu:Chip .../>




Constructor Description
Chip() Initializes a new instance of the Chip class.


Property Type Description
CanRemove bool Gets or sets whether the remove button is visible.
Elevation double Gets or sets the elevation of the Chip.
Icon object Gets or sets the icon of the Chip.
IconTemplate DataTemplate Gets or sets the data template that is used to display the icon of the Chip.
RemovedCommand ICommand Gets or sets the command to invoke when the remove button is pressed.
RemovedCommandParameter object Gets or sets the parameter to pass to the RemovedCommand property.


Event Type Description
Removed RoutedEventHandler Occurs when the remove button is pressed.
Removing ChipRemovingEventHandler Occurs when the remove button is pressed, but before the Removed event allowing for cancellation.

When used outside of a ChipGroup, the Removed event does not cause itself to be removed from the view.

delegate void ChipRemovingEventHandler(object sender, ChipRemovingEventArgs e);
sealed class ChipRemovingEventArgs : EventArgs
    // Gets or sets whether the Chip.Removed" event should be canceled.
    public bool Cancel { get; set; }



<utu:Chip Content="Assist Chip" Style="{StaticResource AssistChipStyle}" />
<utu:Chip Content="Input Chip" IsChecked="True" Style="{StaticResource InputChipStyle}" />
<utu:Chip Content="Filter Chip" IsChecked="True" Style="{StaticResource FilterChipStyle}" />
<utu:Chip Content="Suggestion Chip" IsChecked="True" Style="{StaticResource SuggestionChipStyle}" />

<!-- with icon -->
<utu:Chip Content="Chip" Style="{StaticResource MaterialChipStyle}">
        <Image Source="ms-appx:///Assets/Avatar.png" />

Lightweight Styling

Key Type Value
ChipContentMinHeight Double 20
ChipDeleteIconContainerLength Double 18
ChipDeleteIconLength Double 11
ChipElevation Double 4
ChipElevationDisabled Double 0
ChipHeight Double 32
ChipIconSize Double 18
ChipSize Double 12
ChipCornerRadius CornerRadius 8
ChipBorderThickness Thickness 1
ChipContentMargin Thickness 8,0
ChipElevationBorderThickness Thickness 0
ChipElevationMargin Thickness 4
ChipPadding Thickness 8,0
ChipBackground SolidColorBrush SystemControlTransparentBrush
ChipBackgroundPointerOver SolidColorBrush SystemControlTransparentBrush
ChipBackgroundFocused SolidColorBrush SystemControlTransparentBrush
ChipBackgroundPressed SolidColorBrush SystemControlTransparentBrush
ChipBackgroundDisabled SolidColorBrush OnSurfaceDisabledBrush
ChipBackgroundChecked SolidColorBrush SecondaryContainerBrush
ChipBackgroundCheckedPointerOver SolidColorBrush SecondaryContainerBrush
ChipBackgroundCheckedFocused SolidColorBrush SystemControlTransparentBrush
ChipBackgroundCheckedPressed SolidColorBrush SecondaryContainerBrush
ChipBackgroundCheckedDisabled SolidColorBrush SystemControlTransparentBrush
ChipForeground SolidColorBrush OnSurfaceVariantBrush
ChipForegroundPointerOver SolidColorBrush OnSurfaceVariantBrush
ChipForegroundFocused SolidColorBrush SystemControlTransparentBrush
ChipForegroundPressed SolidColorBrush OnSurfaceVariantBrush
ChipForegroundDisabled SolidColorBrush OnSurfaceDisabledBrush
ChipForegroundChecked SolidColorBrush OnSecondaryContainerBrush
ChipForegroundCheckedPointerOver SolidColorBrush OnSecondaryContainerBrush
ChipForegroundCheckedFocused SolidColorBrush SystemControlTransparentBrush
ChipForegroundCheckedPressed SolidColorBrush OnSecondaryContainerBrush
ChipForegroundCheckedDisabled SolidColorBrush SystemControlTransparentBrush
ChipDeleteIconBackground SolidColorBrush SystemControlTransparentBrush
ChipDeleteIconForeground SolidColorBrush OnSurfaceVariantBrush
ChipIconForeground SolidColorBrush PrimaryBrush
ChipIconForegroundPointerOver SolidColorBrush PrimaryBrush
ChipIconForegroundFocused SolidColorBrush SystemControlTransparentBrush
ChipIconForegroundPressed SolidColorBrush PrimaryBrush
ChipIconForegroundDisabled SolidColorBrush OnSurfaceDisabledBrush
ChipIconForegroundChecked SolidColorBrush PrimaryBrush
ChipIconForegroundCheckedPointerOver SolidColorBrush PrimaryBrush
ChipIconForegroundCheckedFocused SolidColorBrush SystemControlTransparentBrush
ChipIconForegroundCheckedPressed SolidColorBrush PrimaryBrush
ChipIconForegroundCheckedDisabled SolidColorBrush SystemControlTransparentBrush
ChipBorderBrush SolidColorBrush OutlineBrush
ChipBorderBrushPointerOver SolidColorBrush OutlineBrush
ChipBorderBrushFocused SolidColorBrush SystemControlTransparentBrush
ChipBorderBrushPressed SolidColorBrush OutlineBrush
ChipBorderBrushDisabled SolidColorBrush OnSurfaceVariantDisabledBrush
ChipBorderBrushChecked SolidColorBrush OutlineBrush
ChipBorderBrushCheckedPointerOver SolidColorBrush OutlineBrush
ChipBorderBrushCheckedFocused SolidColorBrush SystemControlTransparentBrush
ChipBorderBrushCheckedPressed SolidColorBrush OutlineBrush
ChipBorderBrushCheckedDisabled SolidColorBrush SystemControlTransparentBrush
ChipStateOverlay SolidColorBrush SystemControlTransparentBrush
ChipStateOverlayPointerOver SolidColorBrush OnSurfaceVariantHoverBrush
ChipStateOverlayFocused SolidColorBrush SystemControlTransparentBrush
ChipStateOverlayPressed SolidColorBrush OnSurfaceVariantPressedBrush
ChipStateOverlayDisabled SolidColorBrush SystemControlTransparentBrush
ChipStateOverlayChecked SolidColorBrush SecondaryContainerBrush
ChipStateOverlayCheckedPointerOver SolidColorBrush OnSecondaryContainerHoverBrush
ChipStateOverlayCheckedFocused SolidColorBrush SystemControlTransparentBrush
ChipStateOverlayCheckedPressed SolidColorBrush OnSecondaryContainerSelectedBrush
ChipStateOverlayCheckedDisabled SolidColorBrush SystemControlTransparentBrush
ChipRippleFeedback SolidColorBrush OnSurfaceFocusedBrush
ElevatedChipBackground SolidColorBrush SurfaceBrush


ChipGroup is a specialized ItemsControl used to present a collection of Chips.


public partial class ChipGroup : ItemsControl



<utu:ChipGroup .../>




Constructor Description
ChipGroup() Initializes a new instance of the ChipGroup class.


Property Type Description
CanRemove bool Gets or sets the value of each Chip.CanRemove.
IconTemplate DataTemplate Gets or sets the value of each Chip.IconTemplate.
SelectedItem object Gets or sets the selected item.
note: This property only works for ChipSelectionMode.Single or SingleOrNone.
SelectedItems IList Gets or sets the selected items.
note: The value will be null if the selection is empty. This property only works for ChipSelectionMode.Multiple.
SelectionMemberPath string Gets or sets the path which each Chip.IsChecked is data-bind to.
SelectionMode ChipSelectionMode* Gets or sets the selection behavior: None, SingleOrNone, Single, Multiple
note: Changing this value will cause SelectedItem and SelectedItems to be re-coerced.


  • ChipSelectionMode: Defines constants that specify the selection behavior for a ChipGroup.

    Different numbers of selected items are guaranteed: None=0, SingleOrNone=0 or 1, Single=1, Multiple=0 or many.

    • None: Selection is disabled.
    • SingleOrNone: Up to one item can be selected at a time. The current item can be deselected.
    • Single: One item is selected at any time. The current item cannot be deselected.
    • Multiple: The current item cannot be deselected.


All events below are forwarded from the nested Chips:

Event Type Description
ItemClick ChipItemEventHandler Occurs when a Chip item is pressed.
ItemChecked ChipItemEventHandler Occurs when a Chip item is checked.
ItemUnchecked ChipItemEventHandler Occurs when a Chip item is unchecked.
ItemRemoved ChipItemEventHandler Occurs when a Chip is removed.
ItemRemoving ChipItemRemovingEventHandler Occurs when a Chip item is about to be removed.
delegate void ChipItemEventHandler(object sender, ChipItemEventArgs e);
delegate void ChipItemRemovingEventHandler(object sender, ChipItemRemovingEventHandler e);

class ChipItemEventArgs : EventArgs
    // Gets the item associated with the event
    object Item { get; }
class ChipItemRemovingEventHandler : ChipItemEventHandler
    // Gets or sets whether the ItemRemoved event should be canceled.
    bool Cancel { get; set; }


<!-- example with event -->
<utu:ChipGroup ItemClick="ChipGroup_ItemClick" Style="{StaticResource InputChipGroupStyle}">
    <utu:Chip Content="Chip" />
    <utu:Chip Content="Chip" IsChecked="True" />
    <utu:Chip Content="Chip" />

<!-- example with binding -->
<utu:ChipGroup ItemsSource="{Binding Items}" Style="{StaticResource SuggestionChipGroupStyle}">
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" />

<!-- single selection with binding -->
<utu:ChipGroup ItemsSource="{Binding Items}"
               SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedItem, Mode=TwoWay}"
               Style="{StaticResource SuggestionChipGroupStyle}" />

<!-- multi-selection with binding -->
<utu:ChipGroup ItemsSource="{Binding Items}"
               SelectedItems="{Binding SelectedItems, Mode=TwoWay}"
               Style="{StaticResource SuggestionChipGroupStyle}" />