ItemsView : Control

Implemented for: all platforms supported by Uno Platform

This document lists all properties, methods, and events of ItemsView that are currently implemented by the Uno Platform. See the WinUI documentation for detailed usage guidelines which all automatically apply to Uno Platform.

Implemented properties

Property Supported on
IScrollController VerticalScrollController all platforms supported by Uno Platform
Layout Layout all platforms supported by Uno Platform
object ItemsSource all platforms supported by Uno Platform
bool IsItemInvokedEnabled all platforms supported by Uno Platform
int CurrentItemIndex all platforms supported by Uno Platform
ScrollView ScrollView all platforms supported by Uno Platform
object SelectedItem all platforms supported by Uno Platform
IReadOnlyList SelectedItems all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty CurrentItemIndexProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty IsItemInvokedEnabledProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty ItemTemplateProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty ItemTransitionProviderProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty ItemsSourceProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty LayoutProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty ScrollViewProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty SelectedItemProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty SelectionModeProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform
DependencyProperty VerticalScrollControllerProperty all platforms supported by Uno Platform

Implemented methods

Method Supported on
bool TryGetItemIndex(double, double, int) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
void StartBringItemIntoView(int, BringIntoViewOptions) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
void Select(int) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
void Deselect(int) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
bool IsSelected(int) all platforms supported by Uno Platform
void SelectAll() all platforms supported by Uno Platform
void DeselectAll() all platforms supported by Uno Platform
void InvertSelection() all platforms supported by Uno Platform

Implemented events

Event Supported on
TypedEventHandler<ItemsView, ItemsViewItemInvokedEventArgs> ItemInvoked all platforms supported by Uno Platform
TypedEventHandler<ItemsView, ItemsViewSelectionChangedEventArgs> SelectionChanged all platforms supported by Uno Platform

Below are all properties, methods, and events of ItemsView that are not currently implemented in Uno.

Not implemented properties

Property Not supported on
ItemsViewSelectionMode SelectionMode all platforms supported by Uno Platform
ItemCollectionTransitionProvider ItemTransitionProvider all platforms supported by Uno Platform
IElementFactory ItemTemplate all platforms supported by Uno Platform

Last updated Saturday, 05 October 2024 12:39.